Aquarium Münster Protomor is a treatment against protozoa. Visible symptoms include pale grey to dark, velvet-like films or barely visible spots which, during subsequent stages, spread to the gills fins and the entire body. The gills remain open and the fish exhibits increased respiratory activity which can reach levels of acute respiratory distress. Aquarium Münster Protomor is a specialized treatment for ornamental fish against velvet diseases such as Oodinium ocellatum (coral fish disease), Cryptobia, Brooklynella, Trichodina and Cryptocaryon. Protomor is used especially for the initial stage of infections and slight diseases. It is tolerable for invertebrates like corals, anemones, snails, mussels.
Available are the following contents:
– 20 ml solution for 400 l of water
– 100 ml solution for 2,000 l of water
– 1000 ml solution for 20,000 l of water